
Slowing down racing thoughts

Two black heads outlined against a yellow background; one showing white loops of tangles and the other showing neat white coils to indicate upsetting thoughts and calmer thoughts Everyone has moments when their brain suddenly goes haywire. They repeatedly fixate on the same thought, like being stuck on a hamster wheel. Or their thoughts aimlessly bounce from one random topic to the next like a pinball.

People often refer to these thought patterns as racing thoughts, and the most common cause is anxiety, says Fairlee Fabrett, PhD, a psychologist at Harvard-affiliated McLean Hospital.

“People who struggle with racing thoughts are constantly worried about what needs to be done, what hasn’t been done, and what is next,” says Fabrett. “Or they obsess about past, present, or future situations.” For example, you replay a conversation with different versions of dialogue, ruminate about an upcoming meeting with your boss or medical appointment, or worry about an unlikely doomsday scenario.

“When racing thoughts take over your mind you can’t stay focused, and you feel trapped, which makes you even more anxious and stressed, and the cycle continues,” says Fabrett.

Breaking the cycle of anxiety and racing thoughts

How can you break this cycle and keep racing thoughts from controlling you? Here are five strategies to try.

Give yourself permission. Racing thoughts are often made worse by the anxiety over having racing thoughts. To escape this, give yourself permission to experience them. “Acknowledge that racing thoughts are just noise, it is what our minds sometimes do, and that’s okay,” says Fabrett. “This gives you a sense of control so you don’t feel helpless. When you put racing thoughts in their proper context, they feel less threatening and easier to manage.”

Get mindful. Practicing mindfulness can help change your thought patterns. For instance, try counting your breaths. Close your eyes and count to yourself as you take slow, steady breaths: count one on the inhale, two on the exhale, etc. When you reach 10, start over and repeat the process until you calm down. “This is also a great remedy before sleep when most people’s minds begin to ruminate,” says Fabrett. Also, practice this breath work at times when your thoughts are not racing, so you will have the skill when you need it.

Distract yourself. You can sometimes break the cycle by distracting your mind. “As soon as you notice yourself worrying again or thinking about things over and over, make an internal comment to yourself, like ‘here I go again, with my list of thoughts that never ends,” says Fabrett. Then make a conscious decision to do something else, like reading, listening to music, or calling a friend.

Get moving. It sounds like token health advice — exercise more — but movement is helpful for defusing anxiety. For instance, when an episode of racing thoughts strikes, do a set of push-ups, 10 jumping jacks, take a five-minute walk, or do household chores. “These not only help break the cycle of racing thoughts but give your mind something else to focus on,” says Fabrett. Also, try to build regular exercise into your life as well as these short bursts of activity. That can help relieve anxiety and stress.

Schedule worry time. Sometimes it’s best to let racing thoughts run their course; otherwise, they may linger indefinitely. To do this, schedule worry time. When anxious racing thoughts occur, recognize them, but tell yourself that now is not worry time and you will deal with them later. Then at a fixed time of your choosing, do nothing but explore those thoughts and work through them. For example, write down the thoughts that come to mind without editing, including all the worst-case scenarios you can think of.

“You can also talk about them aloud and ask what makes you nervous and why,” says Fabrett. “This allows you to confront your anxiety head-on, but on your schedule without taking away from other activities,” says Fabrett. Set a limit to worry time, like 10 to 20 minutes. When the time is up, you move on.

If racing thoughts regularly affect your life or interfere with sleep, talk to your doctor or a mental health professional. “Frequent racing thoughts may be related to anxiety disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), trauma, or other mental health issues that need exploring,” says Fabrett.

About the Author

photo of Matthew Solan

Matthew Solan, Executive Editor, Harvard Men's Health Watch

Matthew Solan is the executive editor of Harvard Men’s Health Watch. He previously served as executive editor for UCLA Health’s Healthy Years and as a contributor to Duke Medicine’s Health News and Weill Cornell Medical College’s … See Full Bio View all posts by Matthew Solan

About the Reviewer

photo of Howard E. LeWine, MD

Howard E. LeWine, MD, Chief Medical Editor, Harvard Health Publishing

Howard LeWine, M.D., is a practicing internist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Chief Medical Editor at Harvard Health Publishing, and editor in chief of Harvard Men’s Health Watch. See Full Bio View all posts by Howard E. LeWine, MD


Does running cause arthritis?

A middle-aged man wearing a blue zip top and lighter blue track pants running alongside a blurred cityscape

When I took up running in college, a friend of mine scoffed at the idea. He hated running and was convinced runners were “wearing out” their joints. He liked to say he was saving his knees for his old age.

So, was he onto something? Does running really ruin your joints, as many people believe?

Runners can get arthritis, but is running the cause?

You may think the answer is obvious. Surely, years of running (pounding pavements, or even softer surfaces) could wear out your joints, much like tires wear out after you put enough miles on them. And osteoarthritis, the most common type of arthritis, usually affects older adults. In fact, it’s often described as age-related and degenerative. That sounds like a wear-and-tear sort of situation, right?

Maybe not. Sure, it’s easy to blame running when a person who runs regularly develops arthritis. But that blame may be misguided. The questions to ask are:

  • Does running damage the joints and lead to arthritis?
  • Does arthritis develop first and become more noticeable while running?
  • Is the connection more complicated? Perhaps there’s no connection between running and arthritis for most people. But maybe those destined to develop arthritis (due to their genes, for example) get it sooner if they take up running.

Extensive research over the last several decades has investigated these questions. While the answers are still not entirely clear, we’re moving closer.

What is the relationship between running and arthritis?

Mounting evidence suggests that that running does not cause osteoarthritis, or any other joint disease.

  • A study published in 2017 found that recreational runners had lower rates of hip and knee osteoarthritis (3.5%) compared with competitive runners (13.3%) and nonrunners (10.2%).
  • According to a 2018 study, the rate of hip or knee arthritis among 675 marathon runners was half the rate expected within the US population.
  • A 2022 analysis of 24 studies found no evidence of significant harm to the cartilage lining the knee joints on MRIs taken just after running.

These are just a few of the published medical studies on the subject. Overall, research suggests that running is an unlikely cause of arthritis — and might even be protective.

Why is it hard to study running and arthritis?

  • Osteoarthritis takes many years to develop. Convincing research would require a long time, perhaps a decade or more.
  • It’s impossible to perform an ideal study. The most powerful type of research study is a double-blind, randomized, controlled trial. Participants in these studies are assigned to a treatment group (perhaps taking a new drug) or a control group (often taking a placebo). Double-blind means neither researchers nor participants know which people are in the treatment group and which people are getting a placebo. When the treatment being studied is running, there’s no way to conduct this kind of trial.
  • Beware the confounders. A confounder is a factor or variable you can’t account for in a study. There may be important differences between people who run and those who don’t that have nothing to do with running. For example, runners may follow a healthier diet, maintain a healthier weight, or smoke less than nonrunners. They may differ with respect to how their joints are aligned, the strength of their ligaments, or genes that direct development of the musculoskeletal system. These factors could affect the risk of arthritis and make study results hard to interpret clearly. In fact, they may explain why some studies find that running is protective.
  • The effect of running may vary between people. For example, it’s possible, though not proven, that people with obesity who run regularly are at increased risk of arthritis due to the stress of excess weight on the joints.

The bottom line

Trends in recent research suggest that running does not wear out your joints. That should be reassuring for those of us who enjoy running. And if you don’t like to run, that’s fine: try to find forms of exercise that you enjoy more. Just don’t base your decision — or excuse — for not running on the idea that it will ruin your joints.

About the Author

photo of Robert H. Shmerling, MD

Robert H. Shmerling, MD, Senior Faculty Editor, Harvard Health Publishing; Editorial Advisory Board Member, Harvard Health Publishing

Dr. Robert H. Shmerling is the former clinical chief of the division of rheumatology at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC), and is a current member of the corresponding faculty in medicine at Harvard Medical School. … See Full Bio View all posts by Robert H. Shmerling, MD


Safe, joyful movement for people of all weights

Older woman in lilac top on a tennis court in a park, holding a tennis racket in one hand and a tennis ball in the other

A simple word we all hear often — exercise — makes many people cringe. Unhappy childhood memories of school sports or gym classes, flat-out physical discomfort, guilty reluctance, or trouble finding time or pleasurable activities may help explain this. Additionally, for some people with obesity, fear of falling or injury is a high barrier to activity, recent research suggests.

That finding has important implications for health and well-being. So, how can we make movement safe and joyful for people of all weights?

Why be active?

As you may know, being physically active helps combat anxiety and depression. It prevents bone from thinning and tones muscle, helps you sleep better, lowers your blood pressure and blood sugar, and improves your cholesterol levels. It would take numerous medications to do all that routine physical activity can do for you.

Weight loss programs often incorporate exercise. Research shows that exercise helps with weight maintenance and may help with weight loss. Beyond burning calories, regular exercise also builds muscle mass. This matters because muscles are metabolically active, releasing proteins that play a role in decreasing appetite and food intake.

What does this study tell us?

The study found that many people with obesity fear injury and falling, which interferes with willingness to exercise. It followed 292 participants enrolled in an eight-week medical weight loss program in Sydney, Australia. All met criteria for obesity or severe obesity. The average age was 49; one-third of participants were male and two-thirds were female.

At the beginning of the study, participants filled out a 12-question injury perception survey. The majority reported fear of injury or falling, and believed their weight made injury more likely to occur. One-third said that their fear stopped them from exercising. The researchers also recorded weight, height, and waist circumference, and administered strength tests during the first, fourth, and last sessions.

When the study ended, the researchers found that the participants most concerned about getting injured hadn’t lost as much weight as those who did not express this fear. Those who hadn't lost as much weight also tended to have the highest scores of depression, anxiety, and sleepiness.

Fear of injury fuels a dangerous cycle

As noted, exercise is healthy at every weight: it protects your heart, lowers your blood sugar, boosts your mood, and tamps down anxiety. It also builds balance. Weight-bearing exercise such as walking prevents bone thinning.

If worries about injury or falls cause people to avoid exercise, they miss out on the balance-building, muscle-and-bone-strengthening, and mood-enhancing benefits of regular activity. They may be more likely to fall — and possibly more likely to experience fractures if they do.

Find a blend of activities that will work for you

Everyone, at every weight, needs to find ways to exercise safely, confidently, and joyfully.

  • Start low and go slow. If you’re not currently active, start by simply sitting less and standing more. Try walking for two minutes every half hour. If you’re afraid of falling, try walking in place or alongside a friend or loved one who can provide security and comfort.
  • Ask for guidance. Consider joining a YMCA where you can engage in supervised activities, or ask your doctor for a prescription to physical therapy to help you improve your balance and build your confidence.
  • Try different activities to see what works for you. Walking is a simple, healthful activity, but it’s not the only form of activity you can try. You might enjoy swimming or water aerobics. Try pedaling a seated bike or an arm bike (upper body ergometer) that allows you to stay seated while you propel pedals with your arms instead of your feet. Adaptive activities and sports designed for people with physical limitations and disabilities are an option, too. Depending on your fitness level and interests, you might also consider dancing, biking, or anything else that gets you moving more often.

Lastly, keep in mind that many people suffer from anxiety, and a fear of falling is not insurmountable. If you’re really struggling, talk to your doctor or a mental health professional.

About the Author

photo of Elizabeth Pegg Frates, MD, FACLM, DipABLM

Elizabeth Pegg Frates, MD, FACLM, DipABLM, Contributor

Dr. Beth Frates is a trained physiatrist and a health and wellness coach, with expertise in lifestyle medicine. She is an award-winning teacher at Harvard Medical School, where she is an assistant clinical professor. Dr. Frates … See Full Bio View all posts by Elizabeth Pegg Frates, MD, FACLM, DipABLM


Prostate cancer in transgender women

close-up photo of a vial of blood marked PSA test alongside a pen; both are resting on a document showing the PSA test results

The transgender population is steadily increasing. Last year, investigators reported that 1.3% of people between the ages of 18 and 24 in the United States identify as transgender, compared to 0.55% of the country’s older adults. This trend has implications for public health, and one issue in particular concerns the risk of prostate cancer in transgender women.

Because removing the prostate can lead to urinary incontinence and other complications, doctors leave the gland in place when initiating hormonal treatments to induce female sex characteristics in transitioning people. This process, which is called feminizing or gender-affirming hormonal therapy (GAHT), relies on medications and surgery to block testosterone, a male sex hormone. Prostate cancer is fueled by testosterone, and therefore GAHT lowers overall risks for the disease. But transgender women can still develop prostate cancer in ways that remain poorly understood, according to the authors of a new paper.

“More individuals are openly identifying as transgender, particularly as advances are made in reducing the discrimination and marginalization that this group has faced,” says Dr. Farnoosh Nik-Ahd, a urologist at the University of California, San Francisco, and the paper’s first author. “Thus, it’s important to understand their health outcomes and how best to care for this population.”

Dr. Nik-Ahd and her colleagues wanted better insights into prostate cancer incidence and screening rates among transgender women, so they performed a comprehensive review of the literature that generated some notable findings. One is that that the prevalence of GAHT in the transgender population is still unknown. Some studies put the figure at roughly one in every 12,000 to 13,000 people who identify as transgender. But this is likely an underestimate, the authors claim, and it’s not broken out by sex.

Questions over GAHT

Similarly, little is known about the impact of GAHT on the likelihood of developing prostate cancer, the team reported. Prostate cancer rates do appear to be lower among transgender women than they are among cisgender men (men whose gender identify matches their sex at birth). For instance, one study found just a single case of prostate cancer among 2,306 transgender women receiving routine health care at a clinic in Amsterdam, Holland, between 1975 and 2006. Another study, also from Holland, detected six cases of prostate cancer among 2,281 transgender women over 17 years, which again is less than the comparable rate among cisgender men.

But the interpretation of these rates is limited by the fact that transgender women often experience barriers to care. Nearly a third of them live in poverty, and many avoid the health system for fear of mistreatment. Some scientists suspect that estrogen given during GAHT may somehow contribute to prostate cancer development when given over long durations. However, more confirmatory evidence is needed. Worryingly, one study found that survival among transgender women with prostate cancer is worse than it is in cisgender men with the disease, yet that research lacked data on GAHT use.

Interpreting PSA values for specific populations

Dr. Nik-Ahd’s team was especially concerned about the lack of guideline recommendations for prostate-specific antigen (PSA) screening in the transgender population. None of the available guidelines worldwide mention transgender women, and the PSA cutoff of 4 nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL) of blood — which raises suspicions for prostate cancer — is specific to cisgender men. PSA levels ordinarily plummet in people taking GAHT, so the limit for what’s considered normal in transgender women should be capped at 1.0 ng/mL, the researchers propose. In the absence of more specific guidance, they also recommend that people meeting age criteria for PSA screening get tested before starting on GAHT, in order to obtain a baseline value.

Many doctors are already familiar with other common drugs that alter PSA values — in this case with screening implications for cisgender men, points out Dr. Heidi Rayala, a urologist affiliated with Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, and a member of the Harvard Medical School Annual Report on Prostate Diseases editorial board. For instance, PSA values drop by half in men taking finasteride or dutasteride for hair loss (or to shrink an enlarged prostate). “Doctors take extra care when interpreting PSA in cisgender men who take these drugs,” she says. “The same care needs to be taken in interpreting PSA values in transgender women. And there needs to be broader education on this topic for both primary care doctors as well as the transgender community.

Dr. Nik-Ahd agrees. “Future research should aim to understand baseline PSA values for those on gender-affirming hormones, and to understand how to navigate some of the psychosocial barriers around PSA screening so as to not stigmatize transgender patients,” she says.

About the Author

photo of Charlie Schmidt

Charlie Schmidt, Editor, Harvard Medical School Annual Report on Prostate Diseases

Charlie Schmidt is an award-winning freelance science writer based in Portland, Maine. In addition to writing for Harvard Health Publishing, Charlie has written for Science magazine, the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Environmental Health Perspectives, … See Full Bio View all posts by Charlie Schmidt

About the Reviewer

photo of Marc B. Garnick, MD

Marc B. Garnick, MD, Editor in Chief, Harvard Medical School Annual Report on Prostate Diseases; Editorial Advisory Board Member, Harvard Health Publishing

Dr. Marc B. Garnick is an internationally renowned expert in medical oncology and urologic cancer. A clinical professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, he also maintains an active clinical practice at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical … See Full Bio View all posts by Marc B. Garnick, MD